- The Viking funeral followed. 接着举行维金式火葬。
- The Viking 1 landed on the Mars on July 20th. 1976年7月20日,海盗1号在火星着陆。
- The Vikings harried the English coast. 北欧海盗曾不断骚扰英国沿海地区。
- The Viking spacecraft consisted of two orbiters. 维京太空船由两个轨道航行器组成。
- Click on the Viking side of the blue button to start the game. 点击机器猫身边的蓝色按钮开始游戏。
- Yet not everyone viewed the Viking findings as a failure. 但并非所有人都将“海盗”探索的结果视为失败。
- The Vikings used to harry the English coast. 北欧海盗过去常常侵袭英国沿海地区。
- The Viking and Mars Pathfinder images from the surface look eerily Earth-like. 维京人号和火星探路者号传回的火星地表影像,与地球出奇类似。
- I hope you will behave with decorum at the funeral. 我们希望你在葬礼上做到得体有礼。
- Caught and processed on the Viking Moon, it is Japanese grade Quality. 在维京人月亮上捕捉而且处理,它是日本等级质量。
- Each of the Viking series of night vision binoculars are similar yet different. 每一个维京系列夜视望远镜看似相似,但却个个不同的。
- How effective did you find the viking and reaper when playing terran? 问:当你玩人族的时候,你觉得维京战机和收割者有用吗?
- Quoted in W H Auden and L Kronenberger, The Viking Book of Aphorisms. 如果想要使用自己的图片当大头贴,请到--Pascal.
- Funeral a lose art in the big city. 在大都会里,葬礼是一则已失传的的艺术。
- He plotted out the course the ship should follow. 他在海图上标绘出了这艘船该走的航线。
- The Vikings raped and pillaged all along the coast. 北欧海盗沿着海岸大肆奸淫劫掠。
- The dog followed the fox's tracks into the woods. 那只狗沿着狐狸的足迹跑进了树林。
- The Viking makes use of a built-in PULSE infrared illuminator for added image clarity in total darkness. 维京式采用了内置式脉冲红外照明灯为补充,在完全黑暗的情况下保证图象的清晰度,。
- He stood with bowed head at the funeral. 在葬礼上他低下头站着。
- I followed the instructions religiously. 我认真地按指示办事。